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Ai Here, Ai There, Ai Everywhere

Most people have heard the term Artificial Intelligence. It's out there in everyday discourse. Not long ago, AI was depicted as robots doing our daily tasks, but today we know it's unseen and woven into the fabric of our lives. AI is everywhere, not just in the obvious places like Chat GPT, social media, internet searches, auto-correct, chat-bots, targeted digital ads, etc.

Humans are worried about our future with AI. Last year, Hollywood's unions were on strike and a guarantee fought for was no replacement of human generated art by AI technology. This is but one case of a foreboding view of AI.

On the flip-side, there are positive, helpful uses of AI as seen in assistance for people with living with disabilities. OrCam's award-winning artificial vision generated by AI machine learning is such an example.

People with low vision and reading challenges use AI in the new OrCam MyEye 3 Pro and Read 3 to increase independence like never before possible. These revolutionary devices offer the most advanced features available to access visual information.

OtCam's new "Smart Magnifier" web application has an integrated AI assistant with a "Just Ask" feature. After capturing text, the AI assistant describes, summarizes and interacts with the user by answering any question asked in natural, everyday language. Questions can be related to the text, or asked about any other topic. This gives the user the ability to read and function independently in the world with the help of this tiny smart device.

OrCam is removing barriers for people with all kinds of reading difficulties -- including the blind and visually impaired population. More independence and access to reading on the go, at home, for students with school work and test taking, shopping, job performance and so much more. Click here to visit the website and start your journey today.


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